Thursday, October 18, 2007

Somebody Help Me To Understand

Okay, so I just got home from the the Switchfoot/Relient K concert tonight that was at the Deltaplex. For starters...let me say that I got the tickets for FREE!!! That was awesome especially since they were on the floor, and there is no seating on the floor, so Rhonda and I were right up in the middle of everything. It was awesome!

Both bands totally Rocked! Seriously! I think I prefer the Relient K style a little more, but I knew way more of the switchfoot songs. One thing that I found interesting was the crowd that was in attendance...Let's just say...I felt a little old. There were a lot of young high school age kids there. Oh, and there were a decent amount of parents as well (I guess to keep an eye on their kids). So, there were Teenagers and around 40+...but not much in my age group, but it didn't matter we had a good time.

Okay, here's the thing. This will relate to my previous posts about the "Millennial generation". First of all, have you ever listened to the lyrics of either one of these two bands? I think they are totally targeting this generation and many of the things that we discussed about "cause oriented, and tolerance". In my opinion you can take their lyrics and really mold them to whatever you believe. I didn't hear anything specifically about Jesus Christ, or even God for that matter.

So, somebody help me to understand why I hear these bands (and others) on my local "christian" radio station? Not that it was bad, it wasn't, and it could have been much worse...that's for sure. But, let me elaborate a little more, we get to the front doors and anyone who is over 21 has to get a wrist band...didn't think much of it until I realized that they were serving alcohol. However, that didn't make sense to me...Most of the attendees were underage to begin with, and I just thought that was odd for a "christian" concert.

After we get in and we are jamming to the music and all, and it hit me that in all of the introductions to the songs they never mentioned anything about Jesus, or God. Rhonda and I were just kind of like...okay, weird, but whatever. We found ourselves at every break waiting for them to give praise to God, or at least something. Relient K finished and we were totally disappointed that they didn't say anything, but there was still hope that Switchfoot would say something. Again, we were disappointed, and left without these "supposedly" Christian bands even mentioning God, let alone praising Him. The real sad part is that I have heard this before from other "so called christian bands."

So, I was still in disbelief so I got home and immediately went online to their websites thinking okay there has to be something on here. But again...I couldn't find anything on their web pages. So, now I am confused, frustrated, and I feel misled. Can someone explain to me why this happens? Should we be more careful about what our local christian radio station is playing?

I will end here, but there was more that I could post about. Be real with me...give me your honest opinion...And do you think all music on "christian" radio is God honoring?

Being authentic by saying I am a little frustrated.


Zaankali said...

What an eye opener! I went to both bands sites and not only do they never mention thier faith there is not any scripture anywhere. I even checked there "bio's" NOTHING! Then I found this on Relient K's site...
"I feel incomplete without a cell phone. I feel deprived if I don't have a functioning computer. I feel desperate to rebuild my entire, fragile, empire of "stuff," because I don't know how to live without it, and that scares me. I've been thinking about how we aren't entitled to our things. Frankly, it's not some God-given right for us to own a bunch of stuff. It's a blessing to live in a place where we can work hard and reward ourselves with those comforts."
To me that sounds like promoting self not like God blessed them with it. I think I will be more careful in what I promote as "Christian Bands" in the future. It is almost like I feel decieved by them. It isn't music I have really listened to but I know my kids have CD's from both groups.
Interesting information.

Mari said...

I'm with Jennifer - I feel deceived too. I like their music, but have noticed that the songs are "vague". Another song I keep hearing is the Chris Daughtry song - "I'm going Home". I think it is really a secular song that has come on to Christian radio, but doesn't really specify what home is. Good points Jason.

Heidi said...

So I think I am going to have to say it: These bands have gone mainstream. You can turn on WGRD and hear Switchfoot quite often, and Relient K has always had a wide appeal outside the world of Christian music. These bands no longer identify exclusively as Christian bands, bands like Evanescence don't even want their CDs sold in Christian book stores. I am honestly totally ok with it. I've tired of the washed up watered down side of the Christian music industry, and I would have to figure that bands with true musical talent and creativity have as well. Granted, the really big bands can make it like the Newsboys, but Switchfoot was never as big before they went mainstream and Relient K was never really accepted by the Christian music market like they were the alternative market. These bands are actually good, and lately it seems if you're not putting out a praise and worship album, you might as well not even try.

The music however, is still good and downright wholesome. Relient K is still sweet. Switchfoot is still good if you like...that genre. I think they've actually gotten better, much more mature and the music sounds more professional. The thing you have to consider is that they are making music that can be considered mainstream that is clean and still has a good message. I would have to say there's just as much message in their songs as some of the praise songs we sing in church. Mainstream music fans are still hearing a good message.

Is it really so bad? No, I think its refreshing to be able to hear truly good music out of people with the same beliefs I have. Good music, with a good belief behind it.

And the little bit from the Relient K site...if you don't try to read deep philosophical meaning out of it isn't bad. I would say its more of an explanation how a Christian band can handle being filthy stinking rich, they fall prey to the same desires we do, and its a commentary about how we all need to refocus, even Christian rock bands.

Every sentence out of my mouth doesn't include the word "God" but that doesn't mean my life doesn't reflect my belief. I can still live my Christian life and show Christian love with other word choices. Same concept.

Brenda said...

I have a real problem with bands that do not walk the walk being on Christian radio. I think that is why I enjoy seeing Skillet so much. They LOVE to talk about Jesus and what He has done!! they are also for this generation and have an awesome message!!

I do not have a problem with a band trying to go mainstream. However I would pray that these bands would carry their same message over to reach a whole new set of listeners. They need to pass the message along of Jesus to the mainstream folks too. NOT change their music to fit in.

Melissa said...

If I remember correctly both bands used to call themselves "Christian" but decided to "cross-over", so that they could "reach more people". The figured that if they have a positive message, then they're basically doing the same thing as they would be if they mentioned God. However, they don't want to offend anyone by mentioning God, so their songs don't talk about God anymore.
It's quite interesting because when you think about it, even us Christians have accepted that explination. However, shouldn't it bother us? I mean, here are these bands who for years had quite an influence over CHRISTIAN teens and those who listened to their music, now basically saying that they don't want to be call Christian anymore? Isn't that in essence turning your back on God, and saying Ok God, we want to tell others about you, but we're going to do it in a way that doesn't mention your name because it might scare people off? Sounds a little odd to me. Shouldn't our goal as Christians be to share GOD with others, yes it can be a positive message, but how can you tell others about God if you won't even mention His name?!?!?!
In response to Mari...I have also wondered about the Chris Daughtry song "Home", and why it is played on Christian stations. I looked into it a while back when they first started playing it. WJQ advertises itself as "positive hits" now, not necessarily "Christian", so they play this song because it is a "positive" song, without all the swearing and other "bad" things that are found in the secular music world. But if you're going to play Christian music and promote Christian bands, shouldn't you promote yourself as Christian rather than taking the easy way out?

Anonymous said...

I think you just assumed that you were going to a "christian" concert. switchfoot does not say they are a christian band they use the word " alternative" which means it's punk rock inspired.If you and Ronda worshiped God when you sang along with the bands that's awesome but I wouldn't say that they somehow misled you. 'cause they don't present themselves as "christian". Plus you were not at a church concert. I agree with Heidi that it is still good, clean music. I understand that it's good to surround ourselves with christian friends,christian music.But to see a huge crowd listening to positive clean entertainment should be an exceptable night out. Which it sounds like it was. I've gone to a lot of Michael W. Smith concerts.He's all about living and speaking the christian faith.I highly recommend his concerts!!

Anonymous said...

Good posts all. I personally can't stand Christian Radio. I have made that abundantly clear to many people over the years. My reasons, I don't like commercials. I also can't stand to listen to Michael W. Smith due to deep seated anger against so-called friends who were not "Friends forever", but rather back-stabbers who have poor taste in music.
Sorry, I get carried away about that!
In the case of Reliant K and Switchfoot, they have definitely gone mainstream. Many of the Christian bands of the post-Newsboys/ Audio Adrenaline era are now looking to cross over for a vairety of reasons some not motivated by profit, some perhaps are.
I personally want to share my faith pretty boldly. If I was a Christian Band, I would definitely share Christ through most if not all of my songs. But that's just me. I listen to sermons all day. I also listen to Rush Limbaugh who does express his form of Christianity on the radio, but I would not want him as a role model of authentic Christianity.
Most of today's Christian Radio Stations are not "Christian" anymore anyway. I here them say: "today's positive hits" or "Family Friendly Radio". Clearly intentionally removing Christ from their radio programming though still playing plenty of Christ-oriented music. This has been the trend for at least the last 5-7 years. To pick on my old friend Smitty, what does "Show me love" have to do with Christ? Sounds more like a George Michael Song.
I guess what I want to contribute is this: How do we share our bold faith in a world where more and more people want to keep it a secret? How do we communicate with people who no longer accept ANY of the basic Christian claims. If you asked young people today, and believe me I have, they don't accept Most if not ALL of the basic claims of the virgin birth, Sin, God's Wrath and more. In a world where denying the holocaust is not only acceptable, but growing in popularity, many are simply becoming hard core about becoming agnostic - we can't be sure of anything.
So I don't care if a band doesn't communicate the gospel. Maybe that's a good thing, because some of these guys really shouldn't be trusted to articulate this message with a lot of clarity. They became musicians because of their musical ability if they were preachers, well they wouldn't be selling millions of albums, probably (castingcrowns excepted).
It may be a good idea for us to consider, how do we encourage authentic discipleship in a hostile, non-Christian, increasingly spiritual, highly skeptical, and agnostic world. We are far from explainging Grace, Predestination, Election, and other weighty theological matters when many in our world today reject the very existence of a man named Jesus of Nazareth in the 1st century. People have been told so many things to believe by so many different voices, it is hard for anyone to accept anything as truth. Bottom line, if you want to know where Reliant K is at in their faith, you need to ask Matt (lead singer)personally. Likely he isn't going to throw it out in between songs about his prom. until then, I recommend the all sermon channel, its 90.7FM in GR.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to anonymous, This was not a personal slam against your love for Smith. I posted then your post showed up. so don't read into this. Like I said, me and smitty have history going back to 8th grade. It's a sore spot I think.

Anonymous said...

brandon, Friends are friends forever if the Lords the Lord of them,a friend can not say never and the welcome will not end, though it's hard to let you go,in the Father's hand we know,that a lifetimes not to long to live as friends> Let go of the past (18 years ago) Give Smitty another chance.I won't take your comment as a personal slam, but I suggest that you deal with some unfinshed business from 8th grade.hehe It's me,Patty

Anonymous said...

it makes me really sad when band such as relient k and switchfoot focus more on fans and popularity than their original focus. I DO like Relient K though, and their lyrics can be thought-provoking. I really respect bands that openly talk about their faith, struggles and life in general. Too bad, these two didn't fit that...

A Stone Gatherer said...

I like what Melissa said about the possible bands explanation. God we're going to go mainstream to reach more people but we're not going to talk about you because that would offend. If we are living for Christ we will offend, I don't know if this is the right passage or not by I thought of these verses
Matthew 24
8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
9"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other.

Being a former Country Music fan (I was country before country was cool!)theres a song that I remember at times like this "You have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything."

Know what you know about Christ, and live your knowledge. If he is who he is and we KNOW that,walk boldly in this world and proclaim His name.